Volume-1 Issue-6, May 2013

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Volume-1 Issue-6, May 2013, ISSN: 2319–6386 (Online)
Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication

Interactive Systems: The Review of Models and System Requirements
Kashmira P. Jayakar1, Y. B. Gurav2

An Image Mining System for Gender Classification & Age Prediction Based on Facial Features
Dhanashree M. Shirkey1, S. R. Gupta2

A Novel Approach to Interarea Oscillation Damping By Using Statcom-Smes System
Sreelal Elamana1, A. Rathinam2

Developing a Model to Enhance E-Mail Authentication against E-Mail Address Spoofing Using Application
A. S. Zadgaonkar1, Vikas Chandra Pandey2, Pratap Singh Pradhan3

Characteristics and Thermal Efficiency of Biofuels: Rubber Seed Oil as a Renewable Energy Source
Sundaram Arvind Narayan1, Sutha Shobana2

Face Mosaicing using Multiresolution Spline: A Review
Ankit Patel1, Hetal Patel2

Advanced Detecting and Defensive Coding Techniques to prevent SQLIAs in Web Applications: A Survey
Vinod Kumar K1, Jatin Das D2

Design and Analysis of Camshaft by Changing Parameters which Causes Failure
R. V. Wanjari1, T. C. Parshiwanikar2

Developing an Algorithm to Implement Efficient Intrusion Detection System using Soft Computing
A. S. Zadgaonkar1, Pooja Agrawal2, Anju Lata Rathore3

Design of a New Video Compression Algorithm Using Accordion Function
Mitesh Shah1, Hetal Patel2

Runway Pavement Design of a proposed Airport with the use of FAARFIELD Software
Amandeep Singh B. Bhalla1, Amit A. Vankar2, L. B. Zala3

Road Safety Audit of Selected Stretch from Umreth Junction to Vasad Junction
Devang G. Patel1, F. S. Umrigar2, C. B. Mishra3, Amit A. Vankar4

Multi Functional Autonomous Robotic System (MARS)
Surya Mani Sharma

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
Surya Mani Sharma1, Yugal Verma2, Kartik Sekar3

Developing a Model to Detect E-mail Address Spoofing using Biometrics Technique
A. S. Zadgaonkar1, Suresh Kashyap2, Murari Chandra Patel3

A 2x2 FPGA based WRAP Tested for Colored Image Transmission in MIMO Systems
Shreya Kaushal1, Surbhi Sharma2

A Model for Identifying Phishing E-Mail Based on Structural Properties
A. S. Zadgaonkar1, Suraj Prasad Keshari2, Savita Ajay3

Study of the Nighttime Context Enhancement Algorithms
Pallavi1, Reecha Sharma2

To Investigate the Effect of Microwaves Treated Water on Growth of Brassica Seeds
Akhil Gupta1, Randhir Singh2, Jang Bahadur Singh3, Parveen Lehana4

Review Paper on Calculation, Distribution of Trust & Reputation in MANET
Swapnali Sundar Sadamate1, V. S. Nandedkar2

Information Hiding Using 8 Bit Image
Luaay A. shihab