Volume-4 Issue-2, January 2016
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Volume-4 Issue-2, January 2016, ISSN: 2319-6386 (Online)
Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication
Enhancement of the Explosive Energy Utilization with the Application of New Stemming Contrivance
M. Sazid1, M.R. Saharan2, T.N. Singh3
Rediscovering Traditional Mughal Fenestrations (16th to 17th Century) in India for Sustainable Architecture
Hemal Lotankar1, Srinivas Daketi2
Constraints for Bangladeshi RMG Factories to be Compliant
Abdullah Al Mamun
Review of Various Algorithms in Graph Mining Based on Search Strategies
Vijender Singh1, Deepak Garg2
Load Frequency Control of Multi Area Power System using Different Intelligent Controllers
Anoop Kumar Singh1, Sudhir Kumar Srivastava2, Vikas Pandey3